Disney-Pixar’s upcoming animated film Soul just released its latest trailer. The animated film follows middle school teacher Joe Gardner (voiced by Jamie Foxx), who dreams of being a professional jazz musician. But after Joe gets the opportunity to be the opening act at the Half Note Club, he is in a life-threatening accident and his soul is separated from his body; transported to the You Seminar, a center where souls develop and gain passions before being transported into a newborn child.

Tina Fey, Questlove, Phylicia Rashad and Daveed Diggs also voice characters in the film, which Pete Docter directed and co-wrote with Mike Jones and Kemp Powers.

Soul will be in theaters on June 19. Watch the full trailer at the link here.

‘Soul:’ Jamie Foxx at the heart of a new trailer

Via news.yahoo.com

Editorial credit: Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com
